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Awards & Honors

Selected Publications

(# indicates co first authors, *corresponding authors)

  1. Zhang, J.#, Hou, L.#, Zuo, Z.#, Ji, P., Zhang, X., Xue, Y. & Zhao, F. (2021). Comprehensive profiling of circular RNAs with nanopore sequencing and CIRI-long. Nature Biotechnology, 39, 836–845. (IF=46.9)
  2. Zhang, J., Chen, S., Yang, J., & Zhao, F. (2020). Accurate quantification of circular RNAs identifies extensive circular isoform switching events. Nature Communications, 11(1), 90. (IF=16.6)
  3. Zhang, J.#, Hou, L.#, Ma, L.#, Ye, S., Liu, Y., Ji, P., Zuo, Z., & Zhao, F. (2023) Real-time and programmable transcriptome sequencing with PROFIT-seq. (Submitted)
  4. Wu, W., Zhao, F.*, Zhang, J.* (2023). circAtlas 3.0: a gateway to 3 million curated vertebrate circular RNAs through a standardized nomenclature scheme. Nucleic Acids Research, 52, D52-D60 (IF=14.9)
  5. Zhang J & Zhao F. (2021). Characterizing circular RNAs using nanopore sequencing. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 46, 785–786 (IF=13.8)

All Publications

Web of Science: AFS-9879-2022




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